Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Senior Fall Checklist!

Senior Fall Post-Secondary Planning Checklist!


Identify 3-5 post-secondary education options (college, trade school, apprenticeship, etc)

Identify 3-5 scholarship opportunities that YOU are eligible to receive.

Create your FSAID if you are eligible. Have a parent create one too if they are eligible!

Register for an SAT retake if needed. Talk to your school counselor. 

Mark your calendar for FAFSA Night/Day at your school. Let your parents know in advance!

Gather documents needed to complete FAFSA and/or other financial aid forms.

Ask questions! (720) 446 9688


Start your college/post-secondary applications. Keep in mind Colorado FREE App day on October 15th!

Share your Personal Statement and/or Common Application Essay response(s) as google docs with

Attend FAFSA Night/Day. Be sure to bring ALL needed documents!

Request AT LEAST 2 Letters of Recommendation.

Submit at least 1 college application and 1 scholarship application.

Ask questions! (720) 446 9688

November and December

Complete your COF (Colorado Opportunity Fund) application. If you have a social security number, be sure to enter it on this application!

Identify Institutional Scholarships at the colleges you are interested in attending. Note deadlines! Start these applications as soon as you are able to do so.  

Continue completing and submitting college and scholarship applications.

Prepare for your Semester 1 Exams!

Ask questions! (720) 446 9688