Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Colorado Free College Application Day

Are you ready for FREE College App Day on 
Tuesday, October 15th?! 
Not sure? 
Are the following statements TRUE FOR YOU?

1) I've started all of the applications I want to submit on Tuesday! 
(This means you've gone to the college's web pages and created your application profile by clicking APPLY NOW! and creating a username and password)

2) I know what is required to submit my applications! 
(This means you've read through each application and know what information you'll have to provide from letters of recommendation to social security # to GPA to the date your parent/s/guardian/s moved to Colorado AND MORE!) 

3) I've prepared my personal statement and/or essay answers FOR EACH COLLEGE! 
(You have google docs ready to cut and paste into the applications for the WIN!) 

YES! to all three?  Let me know! And HIGH FIVE for your hard work. 

Application Links! If you don't see what you are looking for, let me know!

Monday, October 7, 2019

YESS Post-Secondary Success 2019-2020!

We're thrilled to kick off the 4th year of the YESS Post-Secondary Success program serving more students than ever!

Thus far, we are working with over 130 high school Seniors from Adams City, North, West Leadership and Westminster High Schools in the Denver metro area. Hopefully we'll add a few more Seniors when programming at Lincoln gets started.

#yesscollegebound #yesssuperstars #thefutureisSObright

We are also supporting almost 170 YESS High School graduates from the Classes of 2017, 2018 and 2019. What a difference a few years makes!

YESS Alumni are making the world a better place through their preparation for work as Certified Nurses Assistants, educators, mental health professionals, musicians, lawyers, Emergency Medical Technicians, computer scientists, nurses and more.

Check out the YESS Post-Secondary Success video for a glimpse at what we do!