Monday, October 3, 2016

College Fair: How to Make the Most of It!

COLLEGE FAIRS: Coming to a high school near you! 

Prepare in advance for College Fairs happening at your high school and in your community. Here are a few tips! 

Before the Fair
Ask yourself the following questions:
  1. Do I want to attend a small school? Or a large, medium, or extra large school?
  2. What majors am I interested in studying? (It's ok to have a few ideas!)
  3. Do I want to attend a city school? Suburban? A school in the country?
  4. Do I want a 2 year degree? 4 year?
  5. Do I want to attend a single sex school? One that has religious affiliations?
  6. What special programs do I want at my college? (Sports, Arts, Clubs, Greek Life, Study Abroad, Cooperative Education, Latinx Programs) 
Take some time to research the schools that will be at the Fair. Make a list of schools whose Representative you DEFINITELY want to meet. 

Make a list of questions to ask the Representatives at the Fair. This is a great chance to impress them with the research you've done about their school AND share something about yourself. 

Bring a resume! Make sure it has up to date contact information including a professional email address. 

At the Fair
Start by visiting with the schools you DEFINITELY want to meet. You can visit others if you have time! 

Ask your questions! 

Provide your contact information to schools you are interested in having follow up with you. 

Take notes! Keep track of contact information of Representatives you met. 

After the Fair 
Review the information you gathered. Add/Subtract schools from your Apply List! 

Send a Thank You note/email to Representative at schools you are interested in attending. 

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